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Adopted by Grand Food Hall.

Ai-Rich farming method adopted by Grand Food Hall

We start with tomato juice.

Our tomato juice (made from small tomatoes) has been adopted by the Grand Food Hall. We will start with Ashiya and then move on to Roppongi.

Grand Food Hall (https://www.grand-food-hall.com/) is the shop of President Iwashiro, who discovers the best food from all over Japan and develops a food hall with only the top of the top.

"We only sell what we have tasted 'blind', without labels, and what we have selected with our own palates."

"As a rule, only one brand per category."

"Safety and security is a prerequisite.

The Grand Food Hall is the brainchild of Noriko Iwashiro, the president of Smile Circle, who refuses to compromise on food in any way.

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