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Development that lasts forever.

One of the most important aspects of our technology is the development of our customers. This is one of them.

The focus of this development is on medium sized tomatoes with high yield and quality (sugar content, functionality, etc.). The three varieties are San Marzano, Frutica and M r Asano's Kesaku.

Most of the high quality tomatoes in the world are grown under stress, for example by limiting water. Our technology improves yield and quality without stress. If you restrict the water, the size of the tomatoes will be reduced, but because we do not restrict the water, the size of the tomatoes will remain the same, so the yield will not be reduced.

This allows us to combine yield with high quality.

It is not only the technology that will ultimately improve the profitability of the business, but also the development of market demands, presenting quality advantages ahead of time and determining prices before cultivation.

The very fact that you have the technology to develop your products is your competitive advantage.

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